PTA Board & Committees

Are you ready to be more involved with our school? We have the solution for you! Consider volunteering your time on a PTA committee. Your role may be as large or as small as you prefer, dependent on what your time and interest allow. A brief description of each committee is given below. Please contact any of the committee chairs listed or the PTA president if you’d like more information.

2023-2024 Executive Committee

Becky Seitz


Kelly McGonigal

Vice President

Scott McCadden


Bryanna Parish


A brief description of the committees is given below. New members are welcome at any time. If you have any questions, please contact any of the current committee chairs listed or the PTA Officers.

PTA Sponsored Volunteer Committees
  • Birthday Book Program

    Mindy Stiffler

    Once a month, PTA offers a selection of books from which each student can choose one to keep, to celebrate their special day.

  • Community Service

    Karena Wickersham

    An outreach committee designed to give back to our community through semi-annual donation drives benefitting local charities.

  • Cultural Arts/Diversity

    Looking for Amazing Volunteers!!

    Organizes enrichment programs to be presented at school such as cultural assemblies, magic shows, hands-on studies.

  • Fundraisers

    Siobhan Blazak

    Coordinates fundraising for school improvement needs and/or student activities.

  • Fun Run

    Megan Sines, Kyle Emhoff, Autumn White

    Raises money through the annual Fun Run event for students

  • Hospitality

    Kayla Solinsky, Melissa Strozykowski

    Plans and hosts events such as the Boohoo Social, Back to School Breakfast, conference night dinner, and appreciation luncheon for teachers and staff. Gives tokens of appreciation to teachers and staff on designated recognition days throughout the year. Provides welcome packets of school and PTA information to all new Kindergarten families.

  • Literacy

    Jen Parisi

    Coordinates a reading incentive program between the principal, assistant principal and students.

  • Membership

    Courtney Risty, Kim Milby

    Organizes annual PTA membership drive during September/October & maintains online PTA Community Directory.

  • Performing Arts (Carrolltowne Players)

    Becky Seitz, Kristen Zycherman

    Coordinates and plans the yearly school play. Volunteers are needed for a variety of places within the production season.

  • School Spirit

    Kelly McGonigal, Lindsay Holbig

    Generates school spirit and pride among the students, teachers and families with regular events such as the Ice Cream Social, Movie Nights, Trunk-or-Treat, Holiday Shop, Carnival Night and organizes the sales of Spirit Wear.

  • STEM

    Kyle Emhoff

    Ignites and nurtures a passion for science, math, engineering and technology in our students and their families through activities such as Math and Science Fun Nights and a Science Fair Exhibition.

  • Sunshine

    Karena Wickersham

    Sends cards, flowers, or makes a book donation to the media center for faculty or students due to personal illness or death in the family.

  • Website

    Wendy Janes, Kelly Phillips, Christopher McClure

    Maintains Carrolltowne PTA’s website,

  • Yearbook

    JoAnna Robbins, Kourtney Roussey

    Produces Carrolltowne Elementary’s annual yearbook, with direct participation from a team of 5th grade students.

School Representatives
  • Carroll Advisory Council

    Jessica Reinartz

    The Community Advisory Council (CAC) was established by the Board of Education of Carroll County to serve as a forum for public concerns, advice, and communication to and from the Board. Each school principal appoints a representative to serve a two-year term on the Council. In addition to providing information to the Board, the CAC may be called upon by the Superintendent and/or Board of Education to make recommendations on matters related to the education of students in Carroll County Public Schools. Meetings are held monthly at the Board of Education Building in Westminster.

Carrolltowne PTA Website