BECOME A SPONSORv2Rewards Programs
Our school participates in rewards programs offered by various businesses. We earn CASH through these programs. Simply click on the links below and fill in your loyalty card numbers and/or designate our school as the recipient, or clip Box Tops and send them directly to the school. Use your store loyalty card before you check out at each shopping trip and remember to always begin your Amazon shopping at smile.amazon.com. At the year end of the respective program, our school will receive a check for money we have earned. The money can be used for any of our school’s educational needs. Taking just a minute of your time to designate Carrolltowne Elementary for these rewards programs can make a huge difference to our school. We need your support! Also, don’t forget to encourage your friends and relatives to do the same. Our children will reap the rewards!
Givebacks: https://causes.givebacks.com/
Automatic cashback for you and your cause, in store, online, and on your phone – join the movement where shopping is the right thing to do. Shop at the places you normally shop while automatically giving up to 1% to your favorite cause – at no cost to you. Givebacks makes this happen every day and pretty much everywhere, with a network of 25,000 participating merchants, including all your favorites.
(Part of the MemberHub family – fundraising software designed for PTA’s)
Amazon Smile: smile.amazon.com (Search and select “Carrolltowne Elementary School PTA” as your charitable organization)
BoxTops for Education: https://www.boxtop
Questions? Email: fundraising@
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